InstruoCs-L Complex Oscillator
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Instruo Cs-L
Cš-L from Instruo is a dual VCO with a decidedly modern approach to sound design. Much more than the average dual oscillator, Cš-L takes the modulator/carrier paradigm and turns it on its head. Rather than a fixed orientation, each oscillator features its own unique configuration and can be used as carrier or modulator simultaneously. Additionally, each has its own exclusive wavefolder with individual outputs.
The top oscillator is a sawtooth-core VCO with sine, sawtooth, and pulse outputs. The lower oscillator sports a triangle core and sine, triangle, square/sub, and double pulse. The square/sub output generates a square waveform at the fundamental frequency, positioning it 1 or 2 octaves below. These oscillators can be synchronized, linked, rectified, and multiplied via the module’s sophisticated front panel controls. There’s also an Index control that controls the amplitude of the sine wave via 2 integrated VCAs.
Combined, these features ensure advanced sonic capabilities with minimal patching, making Cš-L a perfect addition to any eurorack modular synthesizer rig!
Cs-L Features
- Sawtooth core VCO (Osc A)
- Oscillator A waveforms: sine, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, wavefold
- Triangle core VCO (Osc B)
- Oscillator B waveforms: sine, triangle, square/sub, double pulse, wavefold
- FM input for each oscillator
- LFO range switch for Osc A
- Switch for parallel tracking
- Multiply output offers 3 modulator variances
- CV on each wavefolder
- Wavefolder symmetry offset
- Eurorack module
- Width: 26hp
- Depth: 42mm
- Current draw: 120mA @ +12V, 80mA @ -12V
The oscillator is the Instruo CS-L complex oscillator which is a dual oscillator with tons of modulation and wave-folding options built in for both oscillators. We used a Random Source Seq8 XL for sequencing.
It takes the modern approach of dual primary oscillators and expands upon them.
Each oscillator sports its own wavefolder, PWM output and wide range of classic waveforms.
A four-quadrant multiplier stage allows for ring modulation as well as rectified and positive only amplitude modulation.
Each oscillator uses a different core (top sawtooth core, bottom triangle core) giving the best of both worlds.
A versatile, definable routing modulation bus allows for CV control over a huge range of cross modulation without even needing to insert a patch cable.