Drum Machines
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Drum Machines
From the classic sounds of the Roland TR-808 to cutting-edge samplers and experimental percussion boxes like the Elektron Octatrack and Soma Pulsar-23, drum machines have become one of the most powerful and beloved music-making tools for genres of all kinds. The foundation of so much of our favorite music is a driving rhythm or tasteful groove, and with the right drum machine in your hands, you unlock total control over rhythmic expression. But whether you opt to use traditional sounds or pioneer new textures and timbres, keeping a drum machine around will almost certainly keep you inspired.
Moog Semi-Modular Comparison 2024: Labyrinth, Mother-32, & More (feat. Sarah Belle Reid)
Moog's family of semi-modular synthesizers is growing all the time! These instruments have proven to be powerful additions to many setups—and of course, they present a great value to musicians looking to get started with analog modular synthesizers altogether
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