ALM Busy CircuitsASQ-1 Sequencer


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ALM Busy Circuits ASQ-1

ALM's ASQ-1 is a simple, intuitive, and performable Eurorack sequencer and quantizer that is designed to get ideas flowing quickly—inspired by the classic Roland SH-101. Centered around a satisfying set of mechanical keys, the ASQ-1 has three modes of operation. The first is a two-channel SH-101-style step sequencer where you play the notes you want, program rests, holds, and even slides. The second is a quantizer mode which turns the keys into a note selector and has CV in with quantized CV out. A third, four-channel trigger sequencer mode is included that lets you program the four trigger outs with the illuminated keys. All modes are available simultaneously.

You can easily adjust the clock divisions and length of all the sequencers by 8 or you can create interesting polyrhythms by adding steps that aren't divisible evenly. Able to adjust notes over several octaves, the ASQ-1 is deep, by not confusing; complex, while still being intuitive. ALM Busy Circuits delivers and designs modules that work beautifully—the ASQ-1 is no exception.

ASQ-1 Features

  • 3-mode sequencer
  • Mechanical computer keyboard keys
  • Step sequencer has 2 CV and 2 trigger outputs for independent sequences
  • Quantizer mode uses keys to choose notes
  • Trigger sequencer has 4 outputs programmed with the led-illuminated keys
  • Step sequencer mode can program holds, rests, and slides
  • Clock divider for each mode
  • Eurorack module
  • Width: 32hp
  • Depth: 32mm
  • Current draw: 50mA @ +12V, 10mA @ -12V
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Product Demo Videos
ASQ-1 ASMR : Roland-Style Eurorack Modular Sequencer by ALM Busy Circuits
ALM's ASQ-1 is a simple, intuitive, and performable Eurorack sequencer and quantizer that is designed to get ideas flowing quickly—inspired by the classic Roland SH-101.

Centered around a satisfying set of mechanical keys, the ASQ-1 has three modes of operation :
The first is a two-channel SH-101-style step sequencer where you play the notes you want, program rests, holds, and even slides.
The second is a quantizer mode which turns the keys into a note selector and has CV in with quantized CV out.
A third, four-channel trigger sequencer mode is included that lets you program the four trigger outs with the illuminated keys. All modes are available simultaneously.
Introducing ASQ-1 - Multimode Sequencer - ALM035
The ASQ-1 is a multi mode Eurorack sequencer. It can simultaneously sequence two CV/GATE and four trigger patterns, as well as perform synchronised quantisation of an external CV signal. Programming of all patterns is performed using familiar classic paradigms – SH101 style step-time note entry and classic drum machine pattern editing – with satisfying mechanical computer style keys.

ASQ-1 is designed to be a simple, immediate sequencer ideally suited to quickly jamming out ideas, having happy accidents and performing live. It is intended to be a fun and hands on alternative to the many increasingly complex hardware sequencers out there.
ALM Busy Circuits ASQ-1 Sequencer Reviews