Podcasting + Streaming
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You want your voice to be heard—and we want to help. Whether you looking for the gear you need to start a podcast, YouTube channel, Twitch channel, or even if you're just trying to up the quality of your current content, we've got you covered. Want to take your voice recordings to the next level? Check out the smooth, round Shure SM7B dynamic mic or Neumann's crisp, clear TLM 103. Need to upgrade to a set of studio headphones? Try out Sennheiser's HD650s or Beyerdynamic's DT 990 Pros and you'll immediately hear the difference. Searching for the right audio interface and monitors to start your journey? Focusrite's Scarlett Series and Yamaha's HS5 or HS8 monitors will give you exactly what you need.
There are countless ways to share your content—and likewise, there are countless ways to capture it. If you're ready to take all the steps you need to guarantee the highest quality recordings and video possible, we can help. Studio mics, monitors, interfaces, headphones, and lighting kits—everything you need to create your own online presence is here.
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