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Intellijel DesignsMetropolix Sequencer


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Intellijel Designs Metropolix

Bustling with activity in the center of your Eurorack system, Metropolix is the next realization of Intellijel's hit Metropolis sequencer. At first glance, Metropolix looks much like its predecessor, offering the same general user interface of sliders and switches to set pitches, step duration, and gate type. And while the workflow is indeed familiar to users of the Metropolis, its capabilities have been wildly expanded to bring more variation to your eight stage sequences than ever before.

One of the biggest updates to the Metropolix is that it offers two separate pitch and gate outputs, corresponding to two tracks each derived from the main set of sliders and switches. The unique settings of each track are determined by the white buttons in the bottom left, providing independent playback order, length of the sequence, division of the clock rate, and settings for swing, slide, and gate length. Diving deeper into the Track menus will reveal further capabilities, such as pitch transposition, note ranges, and more to give each track some further distinction from its counterpart. Metropolix also supports several parameters that can be assigned on a per-stage basis, allowing for things like ratcheting, probability, and other ways to inject new twists on your musical ideas.

The two sequencer tracks in themselves are a substantial update to the Metropolis, but Intellijel didn't stop there. Metropolix contains eight internal Modulation lanes, which each offer eight stages of stored values and can be routed to the assignable A or B outputs, or a plethora of internal parameters for powerful modulations in the box. Like the main pitch and gate sequences, these Mod lanes can have their own individual playback order, length, and clock division rate. For external modulations, three Aux inputs with attenuverters can be assigned freely, and two Ctrl knobs are available for hands-on control of assigned parameters at the twist of a knob (or two).

While Metropolix will remember its current state on power down, plenty of presets may be stored as well. The eight banks of eight presets can provide 64 states of stored menu settings without overwriting the current pitch slider and gate switch settings, allowing for powerful change at in instance without being musically jarring in a live setting. Of course, this can be changed to a full recall of all settings if your uses for the Metropolix primarily reside in the studio.

Intellijel's original vision for a performable sequencer remains fully intact in Metropolix, providing the most valuable parameters to the user at an instant press of a button, switch, or slider, but rewards those brave enough to explore its menus. At its most basic, Metropolix is a flexible way to create quick sequences with musical interest, but dive into the deeper settings and the sprawl of Metropolix will grow and spread its influence over your modular.

Metropolix Features

  • Eight stage, 2 track sequencer
  • Master settings for Pitch, Pulse Count, and Gate Type provide the foundation for the independent sequencers
  • Per track settings for Order, Len, Div, Swing, Slide, and Gate
  • Per Stage settings for Slide, Skip, Pitch override, Gate override, Ratcheting, Probability, CV Accumulation
  • Eight modulation lanes with eight stages each, with independent Order, Len, and Div
  • Activate Loopy mode to trigger subsequences on a whim, or to access each stage manually
  • Assignable A and B modulation outputs
  • Mod lanes, Aux inputs, and Ctrl knobs may be mapped to a wide range of internal parameters
  • 64 presets stored in eight banks of eight presets each
  • Additional gate outputs available by connecting a Gx or Qx expander
  • Eurorack module
  • Width: 34hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current draw: 95mA @ +12V, 10mA @ -12V
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Product Demo Videos
Metropolix - First look
The Intellijel Metropolix is a unique and powerful Eurorack format musical sequencer. With an abundance of hands-on, tactile controls and a wealth of modulation possibilities (both internal and external) you can quickly and easily create infectiously musical sequences that are never boring. Even the simplest riff can be brought to life with seemingly endless options to create variations or real-time manipulations. Equally at home in the studio or a live improvised performance, the Metropolix is sure to become a staple source of fresh ideas and killer riffs in your creative process.

On first blush, it appears to be a simple 8-stage sequencer — but there is far more functionality than first meets the eye:

● There are two tracks (TRK 1 and TRK 2) that are variants of the single master pitch/gate sequencer, which is programmed via the PITCH sliders, PULSE COUNT and GATE TYPE switches. Each track interprets the master sequence in a variety of ways — creating complementary sequence variations that enable you to generate counterpoint, polyrhythms, and all manner of sonic movement (both subtle and extreme). Each of these tracks has its own playback ORDER, sequence LENgth, clock DIVision, SWING amount, SLIDE time, and track GATE lengths. Other track-based sequence variables are accessible from the TRACK MENU, and include Pitch Slider inversion; sequence note range; track transposition; and more. In addition, Tracks 1 & 2 both have multiple lanes of per-stage playback parameters, including: GATE override; PITCH override; RATCHet count; PROBability of playback; ACCUMulating transposition, and a dedicated CV lane. Each stage also has a SKIP feature, and a pitch SLIDE option.

● 8 separate and individual MODulation lanes are accessed via the MOD button. Each MOD lane has 8-stages of modulation values and its own playback ORDER, LENgth, and clock DIVision; and each lane is routable to one of Metropolix’ two assignable outputs or to dozens of internal destinations, allowing for some sophisticated and powerful self-modulation.

● A trio of AUX inputs allows for external modulation of user-assignable sequencer parameters for even greater variation, while two assignable CTRL knobs give you direct access to the parameters you want to adjust most frequently during a performance. With dedicated Pitch/Gate outputs for both Track 1 and Track 2; two totally user-assignable outputs (A and B); and internal MOD routing, Metropolix features a wealth of patching opportunities.

● Metropolix also features a Loopy mode, allowing you to instantly play back short sub-sequences, or even “play” the stage buttons directly (like a ‘keyboard’).

● Metropolix stores up to 64 preset configurations (in 8 banks of 8 presets), and all live settings are stored in EPROM, ensuring that your Metropolix will always power up exactly as you left it — even if you haven’t saved them to a preset. By default presets can change all the structural (menu-based) elements of your sequencer without overwriting the front panel controls, but full recall is also available.

● The operation of the Metropolix is optimized for live performance and jamming, with quick access to all the most important performance parameters, and the ability to greatly affect your sequences with a single slider or switch.
Intellijel Designs Metropolix Sequencer Reviews