Future Sound SystemsTG4 Gristleizer Modulator
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Future Sound Systems TG4
The TG4 Gristleizer Modulator is the JFET based VCA section of the Gristleizer and is great amplification from clean tones to complete nonlinear chaos. The bias control sets the initial point of the VCA. The bias level is summed with the two CV inputs. The CV2 input features attenuverter which can invert the incoming CV for VCA ducking effects. With dirt control at zero, the VCA cleanly passes signals through it. At five, the JFET has no feedback compensation which causes second-harmonic distortion and imitates the behavior of the original gristleizer. At ten, the JFET provides maximum second-harmonic distortion and nonlinear VCA behavior as it is pushed to total non-linearity. The drive adds gain and overdrive to the input signal. The level controls the final level of the output signal. While the VCA on the original Gristleizer was used for tremolo effects, the TG4 expands on this design and updates it for a modular synthesizer environment.
TG4 Features
- Dirt control for second-harmonic distortion and VCA nonlinearity
- Bias for initial level
- Two CV inputs with attenuverter on CV2
- Drive control on input
- Level control for final output
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 26mm
- Current draw: 13mA @ +12v, 13mA @ -12v
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