In 2004, Arius Blaze and Ben Houston began a collaboration that would result in the inception of Folktek. Working alongside visual artist Drew Mcyntire, Blaze and Houston design an array of ingenious and experimental devices that utilize unconventional means to produce unconventional sounds. In terms of sound, Folktek’s products are a simultaneous nod to the past and a firm step into the future. In harnessing inspiration from the annals of synthesis and fusing it with the conveniences afforded by modern technology, Folktek consistently produce some of the most mind-bending devices on the market. Some of these instruments include the Resonant Garden, the Aether/Materia/Mentalis triad, and the tripartite Mescaline synthesizer.
In terms of Eurorack, Folktek’s modules are instantly recognizable due to their unique art and integrated breadboard headers, with the latter being used in conjunction with dupont jumpers to perpetrate enhanced functionality that other modules are simply incapable of. These modules also feature standard 3.5mm jacks for interfacing with other Eurorack modules. Some of their most notable designs are the Alter 1 and 2 effects processors, the Conduit delay/effect/harmonic oscillator, and the Matter drum wave synthesizer.