ArturiaMicrofreak Digital / Analog Hybrid Synthesizer


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Arturia Microfreak

Microfreak is a mini powerhorse paraphonic synthesizer from Arturia that seems to be heavily inspired by the Eurorack format. At its core Microfreak is a hybrid digital + analog synth controlled by a capacitive touch plate keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch. The oscillator section is digital and offers 11 different models, some of which were borrowed from the Mutable Instruments Plaits module. The filter is a fully analog 12dB/octave state variable design, greatly inspired by the Oberheim SEM. The modulation section includes an LFO, and two envelope generators, one of which is self-cycling. Unique to Microfreak is its modulation matrix, that even includes 3 user-selectable destinations. The synth is furthermore endowed with a capable chance-infused sequencer, random gate generator, and arpegiator. Interfacing Microfreak with external gear is made seamless through the CV/gate outputs, clock, and MIDI I/O found on the rear side of the unit.

Microfreak Features

  • Touchplate keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch
  • Up to 4-voice paraphony
  • 64-step sequencer
  • “Spice” and “Dice” modes to add randomness to the internal sequencer
  • 11 oscillator models developed in partnership with Mutable Instruments
  • User customizable wavetables as of version 4.0 (WaveUser Engine)
  • CV/Gate outputs
  • Modulation matrix with selectable destinations
  • Dimensions:12.5”x9.2”x2.2”
  • Weight:2.5 lbs
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Product Demo Videos
Arturia MicroFreak Touch Synth NAMM 2019
Arturia has a new synth with a touch keyboard and 4 voice digital oscillator made with Mutable Instruments Plaits open source code which is then run through an analog filter. The sequencer has spice and dice modifiers and randomizers and there are parameter automation recording lanes in the sequencer.
Arturia MicroFreak Paraphonic Hybrid Touch Keyboard Synth
Arturia's MicroFreak has a four voice digital oscillator based on the Mutable Instruments Plaits run through an analog state variable filter. The MicroFreak has a fun to play touch keyboard as well as an arpeggiator and sequencer.

There are two envelopes, one that loops and an LFO as well as a modulation matrix for routing control signals around the synthesizer. In this video we used the Arturia DrumBrute Impact for some drums.
Arturia MicroFreak Demo Live Presentation
Arturia presenting their MicroFreak synthesizer at our new event space next door to our showroom in Burbank CA.
Arturia Microfreak Digital / Analog Hybrid Synthesizer Reviews