MIT Press Curtis Roads - Microsound
In "Microsound" Curtis Roads guides us through the sonic layers that lay below musical notes up to a limit where our biological perception mechanisms start failing. It is a thorough exploration and documentation of various particle (granular) synthesis techniques, compositional strategies, technical overviews, historical precedents and more. The language is captivating and rewarding, and easilly accessible to musicians from all backgrounds. Although microsund as a compositional technique was practiced since the early 1950's by such electronic music pioneers as Xenakis and Stockhausen, a comprehenssive analysis and documentation of the technique was never accessible until the publication of this book. "Microsound" is a window into the depths of atomic musical structures and the means of their manipulations, which lets us learn from the master-composer himself.
Curtis Roads - Microsound Features
- Author: Curtis Roads
- 424 pages
- 8 x 0.8 x 9 inches