DoepferA-101-2 Vactrol Low Pass Gate
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Doepfer A-101-2
Doepfer's A-101-2 was inspired by the legendary Buchla 292 LPG module, famous for the renowned "bongo" effect. The module features resonance control and can be "struck" with both gates and triggers. Users can also switch the module between LPG and VCA modes using a dedicated toggle switch on the front panel.
A-101-2 Features
- Vactrol Low Pass Gate
- Resonant Low Pass Filter
- Gate inputs for ""vactrol strike""
- Toggle switch between LP, VCA and Combination
- Eurorack Module
- Width: 8HP
- Depth: 50mm
- Current Draw: 20mA @ +/-12V

Doepfer A-101-2 Vactrol Low Pass Gate Reviews
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