Synthesis TechnologyE440 Discrete OTA VC Lowpass Filter (Silver)

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Synthesis Technology E440 Discrete OTA VC Lowpass Filter

The E440 from Synthesis Technology is a low-pass VCF with three outputs, each occupying a different slope of the filter: 2 pole, 3 pole, and 4 pole. Two CV inputs control the cutoff frequency, while the third controls the resonance. The module is capable of self-oscillation at higher rates for use as a sine-wave VCO with 1V/Oct tracking and a four-octave range.

E440 Features

  • Resonance goes into tasty self-oscillation
  • Standard and inverting FM inputs with dedicated FM amount controls
  • Drive up to 2x gain
  • AUDIO IN can be any level up to 14V pk-pk
  • Individual 2-pole, 3-pole, and 4-pole outputs
  • +12V @ 23mA ; -12V @ 23mA
  • 14 HP
Synthesis Technology E440 Discrete OTA VC Lowpass Filter (Silver) Reviews