Qu-Bit ElectronixStardust Cosmic Tape Looper
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Qu-Bit Electronix Stardust
Qu-Bit's Stardust is a stereo varispeed looper that is inspired by tape machines, offering adjustable Hiss and Flutter, along with the ability to dynamically add or remove splices for loop manipulation. Featuring an ultra-low noise floor, 48kHz 32-bit internal processing on 24-bit hardware, and clickless looping, Stardust might just have the best audio quality you can find in Eurorack. Easily capture pristine audio loops but also add some extra character from the aforementioned Hiss and Flutter, with the ability to separately introduce some saturation from the input preamp. Four different effect modes offer you the tape mode (default), a digital mode which changes the Flutter and Hiss knobs to a downsampling and bitcrush, a reverb effect that changes those to amount and time, and a filter effect that offers parallel high and low pass filters.
Your recorded buffer can be manipulated using a few parameters: the first is the Start control that will scrub through the buffer and works with the Size parameter to create loops. Expertly slice up your loop with the Slice knob that will evenly distribute slices whose sizes vary depending on your loop length. Slices can be as small as 62ms. Add some unpredictable results with the Skip knob that adjusts the chance that slice transformations will occur. Possible options include: loop size adjustment, random slice jumping, reset, random panning, and playback speed change.
At its core, the Stardust is a looper's delight and can function in four different modes of looping. The default is a classic Sound On Sound, which just overdubs audio to the buffer, a Replace mode will destroy and overwrite previous audio, Resample mode will add new recordings as opposed to overdubbing, and a Frippertronics mode will gently degrade and fade away previous audio. These modes offer flexibility and options for however you'd like to express yourself. Of course a large Varispeed knob gives you the ability to alter the playback direction and speed with a V/Oct input so you can sequence melodic material with ease.
Qu-Bit Electronix's Stardust is an incredible module for anyone who needs to loop, manipulate, or experiment with audio. Which is just about everyone, so make some space for your next exploratory tool.
Stardust Features
- Stereo tape looper
- Up to several minutes of mono or stereo looping
- 48kHz, 32-bit internal Audio quality with 24-bit hardware quality
- Ultra-low noise floor
- Import, save, and recall audio files
- Built-in effects for tape degradation, bit-crushing, reverb, and filters
- Varispeed control goes +/- 2 Octaves
- Slice control evenly distributes slices across a loop
- Start and Size adjust loop window
- Skip control introduces random panning, speed, slice jumping and more
- Inertia adds tape stop effects
- 4 Looping modes: Overdub, replace, resample, and Frippertronics (overdub and fade out)
- Freeze button loops 1% of the total loop length
- Nova CV output sends out sample related CV and gate signals configurable through the Narwhal online editor
- Preamp offers subtle saturation
- Built on the Daisy platform
- Eurorack module
- Width: 18hp
- Depth: 22mm
- Current draw: 170mA @ +12V, 15mA @ -12V

Follow along as we go through a fundamental overview of Stardust, and cover its front panel controls!
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