WORNG ElectronicsMidSide+ Mid-Side Processor


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WORNG Electronics MidSide+

Create ultra wide and complex stereo images in your modular rack with MidSide+ from WORNG Electronics, a mid/side encoder and decoder with thru-zero modulation capabilities. Wrap your head around subtle to extreme processing separation for your instrument's or mix's mid and side information, allowing for creating new information like space and timbre completely separate from one another. Where MidSide+ gets brain-tingling lies in the Width control, allowing for the stereo image to collapse back through mono or hard left and right with reversing the image all together. You can modulate the width parameter with the included CV input and attenuverter for slow and shifting movement to audio-rate madness, and the additional high-pass filter switch allows for cutting lows out of your side information for a cleaner stereo image. With a massive amount of opportunity for creative mixing and sound design, the MidSide+ offers expansive imaging to the Eurorack world for interactive and mind-boggling spatialization.

MidSide+ Features

  • Thru-zero stereo encoder/decoder
  • Left/right to mid/side and vice versa
  • Width control with CV attenuator input
  • Width can push thru mono folding back into the stereo spectrum, and inversely!
  • Specially tuned high pass filter switch for removing low frequencies from the side signal post-processing
  • Eurorack module
  • Width: 8hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current draw: 40mA @ +12V, 43mA @ -12V
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