Wavefonix 3340 Low-Frequency Oscillator
Utilizing the same technology found in the oscillators of genre-defining synthesizers, the 3340 LFO from Wavefonix is a low frequency oscillator with multiple shape-defining and modulatable characteristics. Founded on the CEM3340 oscillator chip that made the sounds of the Prophet 5 and OB-Xa, the 3340 LFO is better suited as a modulation source offering DC-coupled saw, triangle, and square shape outputs with LED indicators per shape. The coarse and fine tune controls allow you to reach as low as 0.05Hz and as high as 100Hz, but introducing a 1V/Oct source into the FM input can push the LFO up to 4.5kHz for a more playable oscillator range. 3340 LFO's FM input also is great for introducing time-bending modulation and other modulation sources to create complex waveshapes. The sync input not only can act as a hard reset for tempo-synced modulation, but it can also present other forms of varying the output shape in a hard-sync styling. With variable pulse width and a modulation input for shifting pulses on the square output, Wavefonix's 3340 LFO is a stellar modulation source, voice, and anything in between.
3340 Low-Frequency Oscillator Features
- Analog VC LFO module
- Individual geometric shape outputs (saw, triangle, square) with LED indicators of rate
- Coarse and fine tuning ranging 0.05Hz to 100Hz (up to 4.5kHz with 1V/Oct tracking)
- Exponential FM input with attenuator
- Pulse-width control over the square output with PWM input
- Hard sync/reset input
- Eurorack module
- Width: 10hp
- Depth: 40mm
- Current draw: 60mA @ +12V, 40mA @ -12V
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