Wavefonix3310 Envelope Generator (EG)

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Wavefonix 3310 Envelope Generator

Create natural-sounding plucks, swells, and more with the 3310 EG from Wavefonix, an ADSR envelope generator with unique features for expanding and intermingling control throughout your system. Each stage, including attack, decay, sustain, and release, are based on a 10V scaling that's adjustable via the sustain point. 3310 EG does not only require a gate signal to trigger and hold the envelope, but it can also use any voltage signal and determine the gate length based on an input threshold of 1V to 10V. Additionally, the gate signal can pass through for further use on other envelope generators or gate-necessary modules as well as a retrigger input for starting the envelope over without having to restart the gate signal. The 3310 EG is a great addition for controlling your VCAs, oscillator and filter FM, or any other CV-loving input dying for modulation.

3310 Envelope Generator Features

  • Four-stage envelope generator
  • ADSR style architecture with control per stage (10V range)
  • Exponential curvature to A, D, and R stages
  • Gate input with threshold detection (1V to 10V)
  • Gate thru for daisy chaining to other gate inputs
  • Retrigger input to reactivate the beginning stages
  • Output with LED indicator
  • Eurorack module
  • Width: 9hp
  • Depth: 40mm
  • Current draw: 40mA @ +12V, 30mA @ -12V
Wavefonix 3310 Envelope Generator (EG) Reviews