videoheadroom.systemsChannel Video Signal Utility
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The CHANNEL is a highly packed utility module for Eurorack video synthesizers, covering functions such as crossfading, three-way panning, and more. The controls themselves correspond to interpolation between sets of inputs: A +B in the case of FADE, and 1, 2, and 3 for PAN. THere are also attenuverters for the FADE CV and PAN CV inputs, which will gladly accept any signal input for morphing and mangling shapes. Through CHANNEL, a number of other dynamic features are attainable, like mixing and soft-keying, which make this module a stellar addition to any video rig.
Channel Features
- Signal routing and utility module for video synthesis
- FADE and PAN controls
- CV inputs with attenuverters
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 32mm
- Current draw: 120mA @ +12V, 0mA @ -12V Channel Video Signal Utility Reviews
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