Ultimate SupportMC-125 Studio Boom Stand
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Ultimate Support MC-125
The MC-125 from Ultimate Support is a professional studio boom microphone stand that is sturdy and durable. The lockable wheels make it easy to position the microphone anywhere and then keep it in place. The 35lb/15.8kg base makes sure the stand never gets moved out of place or knocked down. An adjustable counter-weight adds additional stability while significantly reducing vibrations. Adjust the height of the boom from 52–83"/132–210cm, and the boom arm from 35–61"/89–155cm. If you need a dependable and fully adjustable microphone stand, the MC-125 is a top-of-the-line choice.
MC-125 Features
- Studio boom microphone stand
- Lockable wheels
- 35lb/15.8kg base
- Adjustable counter-weight for stability and reduced vibration
- All parts are replaceable
- Height adjustable from 52–83"/132–210cm
- Boom arm adjustable from 35–61"/89–155cm
- Boom height: Adjustable from 52–83"/132–210cm
- Boom arm length: Adjustable from 35–61"/89–155cm
- Steel construction
Ultimate Support MC-125 Studio Boom Stand Reviews
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