Thermionic CulturePhoenix Mastering Plus Stereo Valve Compressor
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Thermionic Culture Phoenix Mastering Plus
The Phoenix Master Stereo Compressor, from Thermionic Culture, is the most recent incarnation of the classic Phoenix compressor, which first hit the market in 1998. Since then, numerous improvements have been made to the design, which have since been refined and implemented into this latest device. Notable changes include advanced recall ability, upgraded PSU, and an advanced metering circuit that intrinsically compensates for valve aging.
Additional features include Elma switches for Gain and Threshold parameters, and Alpha switches on the attack and release. There are also indented pots on the output level for enhanced control and a total of five frequency options when mastering in stereo with the link switch activated.
Phoenix Mastering Plus Features
- All valve signal path and side chain, point to point hand wired in England
- Subtle control with 'soft knee' compression more compression effects when pushed hard
- Stereo link for mix buss compression
- Side chain filters to enable compression of all frequencies except bass
- Flat frequency response over full audio range and beyond
- Very low phase shift and harmonic distortion (unless pushed hard)
- Push-pull design gives a natural warm sound with high output level
- Output trim controls for fine adjustment or lower level operation
- Balanced ins and outs with custom made Sowter transformers
- Bypass switch on each channel removes all electronics
- Elma switches for gain and threshold controls
- Alpha switches for attack and release controls
- All Mullard and Siemens NOS valves
- Easy recall- ability
- Zero adjustment on front
- Precise calibration
- More gain than earlier Master Phoenix
- Standby switch to prolong valve life
- Distortion effects can be created with standby on
- Max. o/p level (MOL): +19dB into 600Ω, +24dB into 10kΩ
- Max gain: 30dB
- THD (at no compression): better than 0.06 % @ 100Hz & 1kHz
- Noise, IEC weighted: better than 100dB below MOL
- Input impedance: 15kΩ
- Frequency response: <1dB variation over range of 12Hz to 56kHz
- Attack time: 0.004s to 0.12s
- Release time: 0.04s to 2.4s
- Output impedance: 600Ω
Thermionic Culture Phoenix Mastering Plus Stereo Valve Compressor Reviews
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