SoundforceS-909 Compact 909 Drum Voices
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Soundforce S-909
Soundforce's S-909 packs six samples from the legendary TR-909 drum machine into an astoundingly small package with a dead simple user interface. On the left side are trigger inputs, with the associated audio output on the right, providing iconic sounds from one of the most coveted drum machines at an instant. S-909 comes preloaded with authentic rimshot, handclap, closed and open hihats, crash, and ride samples. While you can't change anything about the sounds, the trigger inputs are super receptive and can allow for audio-rate triggering, allowing for creative sound design with drones made from drum sounds. The independence of each channel also allows for creative effects processing and mixing within the rack. Whether you're supplementing an existing set of drum synthesis modules or looking for authentic 909 vibes in your rack, S-909 from Soundforce has you covered.
S-909 Features
- Six authentic 909 samples in 4hp
- Rimshot, handclap, closed hat, open hat, crash, and ride
- Straightforward interface featuring a trigger input and an audio output for each sample
- Eurorack module
- Width: 4hp
- Depth: 38mm
- Current draw: 85mA @ +12V, 11mA @ -12V
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