Shakmat ModularBattering Ram Bass Drum Synthesizer
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Shakmat Modular Battering Ram
Battering Ram is a full-featured bass drum module from Shakmat that offers distortion, shaping, and state storage/recall. Choose between two different flavors of distortion to drive the kick hard, or keep it mellow. Save your speakers and clear the mud with a 30Hz HPF and with the decay setting, you can get extended sounds for nice sub-bass rumbles. A click trimmer lets you add a touch of sharpness and you can have a normal or ducking envelope at the press of a button. More than just a bass drum module, the Battering Ram from Shakmat is a percussive, bass-y voice that can yield incredible results.
Battering Ram Features
- Bass drum module
- Drive control with 2 flavors
- Decay control for long or short sounds
- Click trimmer adds percussive pop to the onset
- Normal or Ducking envelope
- 30Hz HPF
- Pitch control
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 21mm
- Current draw: 85mA @ +12V, 10mA @ -12V
Shakmat Modular Battering Ram Bass Drum Synthesizer Reviews
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