Prism CircuitsApiculus Paperface Modular Synthesizer

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Prism Circuits Apiculus

The sound of paperface Serge modular synthesizers lives on in Apiculus, a fully-featured, pre-built panel from Prism Circuits in the traditional 4U format with banana jacks. The modules found here are modern day recreations of the first generation Serge designs, which are known for a sound that's a bit more raw and behavior that can be slightly eccentric yet still lovable and musical. While some conveniences like 1V/oct tracking are missing, paperface systems remain a captivating platform for sonic exploration.

Apiculus can be thought of as an experimental voice panel, with plenty of facility on hand to traverse all timbral terrains. The obvious sound sources are the two Oscillators and Noise Source, though of course the ever-flexible Smooth and Stepped Generator may be enlisted for audio duties. For luscious sweeps and bizarre feedback patching, the VC Phaser goes well beyond the capabilities of any phase shifter pedal you've used. Something of a sleeper module, Peak and Trough is the perfect tool for slicing and dicing any combination of waveforms by outputting the maximum or minimum of their respective inputs. Finally, a Dual Mixer allows for the summation of signals to be routed back into the system or out to monitors.

Explore the charms of paperface for yourself with the Apiculus panel from Prism Circuits.

Apiculus Features

  • Paperface modular synthesizer
  • Modern recreation of classic Serge designs
  • 4U format with banana patch points—not Eurorack!
  • Contains the following modules: 2x 1973 Oscillator, VC Phaser, Noise Source, Smooth & Stepped Generator (SSG), Peak & Trough, Slim Dual Mixer
  • Power brick included
  • 4U Format Modular System
  • Requires 24V PSU (Included)
Prism Circuits Apiculus Paperface Modular Synthesizer Reviews