Neuzeit InstrumentsWarp Additive + Wavetable Synth Voice
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Neuzeit Instruments Warp
Neuzeit Instruments' Warp is a hybrid additive/wavetable synth voice that uses two oscillators for each of the four voices and features an onboard waveform editor easily usable via the centralized screen. The most eye catching feature is the colorful XY matrix that gives you realtime information on how your sound is traveling through the sonic plane. Using frequency spectra and 512 sines per oscillator, you can generate some incredible and unique sounds. The integrated editor lets you draw your own waveshapes using the matrix and screen, as well as load your own external spectral sources via the SD card reader.
Warp can be a self-contained voice with two EGs and built-in VCAs, along with 2 LFOs for internal modulation. A future expander will allow you polyphonic operation via MIDI. WIth CV control aplenty and an easily navigable interface, the Warp from Neuzeit is an incredible oscillator and voice for any rack.
Warp Features
- Hybrid additive/wavetable synth voice
- 4 Voices with 2 oscillators
- Macro controls for maximum playability
- 512 Sines per oscillator
- XY Sound space is a collection of 32x16 spectra
- Each voice travel independently across XY space
- Spectral and Wavetable FX
- 2x Post filters per voice: 12db/24db low pass and high pass
- Independant oscillator settings per voice
- Integrated modulation with 2x ADSR and 2x LFOs
- Stereo 24 bit output
- Integrated editor
- Eurorack module
- Width: 24hp
- Depth: 30mm
- Current draw: 205mA @ +12V, 20mA @ -12V

Presets by factory and by artists:
Panic Girl - @PanicGirlVids
Anatol Locker - @anatollocker9780
Sacha Ketterlin - @sachaketterlin4895
Wavetables on board by factory and Kimura Taro -
Check out for more:
â–º WEB:
0:00 Factory - Bright Keys
1:37 Anatol Locker - Drahtig
2:43 Panic Girl - Blue Release
4:51 Sacha Ketterlin - Mutation Voice
6:34 Factory - Mod Me Hard
9:39 Anatol Locker - Drone
12:06 Panic Girl - Superfast
14:17 Sacha Ketterlin - Driven
17:07 Factory - Additive Lead 1
19:19 Factory - Additive Lead 2
22:28 Panic Girl - Earth Pad
25:34 Factory - Squelch
27:48 Panic Girl - Pitchey The Pirate
29:27 Anatol Locker - Plucky
31:09 Factory - Bowser Bass
32:14 Factory - Come In Pad
33:22 Panic Girl - Chopper Drone
35:23 Anatol Locker - Harsh Detune
36:25 Factory - Kick Me 1
37:23 Factory - Kick Me 2
38:09 Factory - Kick Me 3
39:32 Panic Girl - Velvet Pad
41:19 Factory - Apocalypseclipse
43:46 Sacha Ketterlin - Future Organ
45:00 Anatol Locker - Insects
48:47 Sacha Ketterlin - Tremblor
50:47 Panic Girl - Randotron
52:48 Factory - Distorted Wobble
55:04 Sacha Ketterlin - Wildcat
56:40 Anatol Locker - Bouw Bass
58:32 Panic Girl - Mellow Pad
1:00:54 Factory - Frosty Pad
1:02:18 Anatol Locker - Simple
1:03:47 Sacha Ketterlin - Plastic Drive
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