NeunaberInspire Tri Chorus Plus Stereo Chorus Pedal

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Neunaber Inspire Tri Chorus Plus

Inspire is a tri-chorus pedal from Neunaber that offers luscious stereo or mono chorus, vibrato, and even echo algorithms in a compact footprint. Don't be locked into the just one or two types of chorus effects, choose between a classic rackmount tri-chorus, or a dense dual tri-chorus, different types of vibratos, and a chorus + echo effect. This is the final word in chorus and if you need to add one to your pedalboard, the Inspire from Neunaber is a strong contender.

Inspire Tri Chorus Plus Features

  • 8 Algorithm chorus pedal
  • Classic tri-chorus, 2 types of dual tri-chorus, chorus/vibrato combo, split effects for chorus on lows and vibrato on highs, or detune the lows with a chorus on the highs
  • Mono or stereo operation
  • Dimensions: 73 x 117 x 51 mm / 2.9 x 4.6 x 2.0 in
  • Power Specs: 9–12VDC PSU not included
Neunaber Inspire Tri Chorus Plus Stereo Chorus Pedal Reviews