ManticPendulum Crossfading Switcher Pedal


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Mantic Pendulum

Pendulum, from Mantic, is an atypical approach to a routing pedal in that rather than simply toggling between two paths, an envelope fades from one side to the other. At its simplest, tapping the footswitch can trigger the envelope to move between paths, but three other modes allow for dynamic response to your playing, cyclical/LFO movement, or even in a defined pattern tapped into the footswitch. With Attack, Decay, and Mix controls, you have detailed control over how Pendulum's envelope behaves. On top of this, the open-ended presence of two inputs and two outputs affords a number of potential uses for Pendulum, from crossfading between two different amps to sidechained effects loops, panning tremolo effects, and more. Crack open your pedalboard in unprecendented ways with Mantic's Pendulum.

Pendulum Features

  • Envelope-controlled switcher pedal
  • Capable of crossfading, switching, panning, mixing, and numerous other applications
  • Attack and Decay controls define envelope's rise and fall time to the level specified by Mix control
  • Four modes of envelope behavior
  • MIDI control (Type B 3.5mm TRS)
  • Dimensions: 4.1" H x 2.4" W / 104mm H x 60mm W
  • Power Specs: 9VDC Center Negative (PSU not included)
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