LZX IndustriesScrolls Dual Ramp Generator
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LZX Industries Scrolls
Giving you abundant control over ramp generation, the LZX Industries Scrolls is a flexible foundation that can bring your video synthesis patches to life. Scrolls features two identical ramp generators, but through the options available on the Mode control these may be coordinated in a variety of different ways. Typical horizontal and vertical ramp options are available, of course, but others like Orbital, Journey, and Random lead to interesting movement patterns and opportunities for shape generation. And thanks to the generous assortment of outputs, you can integrate multiple shapes into different parts of your patch as well as patch the internal LFOs out to other modules for synchronized motions. With Scrolls, you'll be adding a flexible source of ramps and shapes to your video synthesis rig.
Scrolls Features
- Multi-mode dual ramp generator
- Produces a variety of horizontal, vertical, and specialized ramps
- Phase offset controls with CV input and attenuator
- 8 operating modes: HH, VV, HV, Ping Pong, Orbital, Journey, Corner, Random
- Speed modes for internal movement: off, slow, fast
- Waveform modes: Wrap, Blank, Mirror
- Eurorack module
- Width: 12hp
- Depth: 32mm
- Current draw: 150mA @ +12V, 0mA @ -12V
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