KnobulaKickain Kick Drum Voice
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Knobula Kickain
Offering a dance floor staple with spectral mixing capabilities, Knobula's Kickain is a combination of a highly sculptable 909-inspired kick drum and stereo processing for internal and external mixdown. The 909 section is feature-packed for sculpting tones reminiscent of the original as well as harder and more impactful kicks with full control over tuning, pitch bend, punch, click, and drive. On top of triggering the kick section, Kickain makes for a dynamic and melodic source for punchy bass lines with CV inputs for accent, decay length, and even 1V/Oct tracking. Finalize your kick drum with independent level control as well as a bass-cut option for 40Hz or 60Hz carving for making room for other bassy elements.
Alongside immediacy of controls to best fit a mix and space, Kickain also features a simple and easy-to-understand sidechain element for any mono or stereo incoming signals. The amount of sidechain is determined by the depth and flavor switch for introducing typical compression or one of two spectral variations, actively sculpting the incoming signal to best sound against the 909. With dedicated attack for allowing more information to pass before the compression starts, the shared decay control works simultaneously as the kick and reverb tail length as well as how long the compressor is in play. Speaking of reverb, the onboard 24-bit stereo reverb makes for great impacts as well as giving dimension to your kick drum. With an option to apply an FX loop via the right output and input, the Kickain is the ultimate module for electronic dance music performers and producers.
Kickain Features
- 909 kick and stereo sidechain compression
- 909 kick-inspired virtual analog signal path
- Sculptable kick parameters like tune, click, bend, and color options with punch and drive
- Three-way bass cut switch for none, 40Hz, or 60Hz
- Red LED clipping indicator
- Sidechain section offers a normal compressor and two spectral modes (intelligently sculpts the EQ of incoming audio to work with kick)
- Sidechain depth and control for detailed sculpting
- Shared decay control between compressor and kick for perfect matching as well as the reverb tail
- 24-bit stereo reverb for up to 10 second tails
- Stereo I/O for sidechaining or mono I/O with a send and return path
- 1V/Oct input for melodic playback as well as CV inputs for decay, accent, and trigger
- Eurorack module
- Width: 12hp
- Depth: 32mm
- Current draw: 80mA @ +12V, 80mA @ -12V

This powerful module can wrangle your whole mix into a pulsing dancefloor HEATER, and isn't just limited to kick sounds. Percussive thuds, clicks, hats, and snare sounds are also achievable, and when paired with the on board reverb, the Kickain is a percussion sculpting POWERHOUSE.
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