Heritage AudioGrandchild 670 500 Series Vari-Mu Compressor
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Heritage Audio Grandchild 670 500
Heritage Audio brings the Fairchild sound to lunchboxes everywhere with their Grandchild 670 500 Series, a Vari-Mu compressor delivering the best in tube compression. The original Fairchild 670 came out in the early days of compression, so the Grandchild retains the relatively straightforward controls to deliver that slightly gooey and highly musical compression you'd want a Fairchild for. AC Threshold corresponds to what would be threshold on a modern compressor, while DC Threshold is a combination Ratio, Knee, and Curve control for tuning the flavor of compression. Time Constants define attack and release times, giving you a few options for tailoring the way that Grandchild shapes your signals. OG Fairchllds aren't getting any younger (or cheaper), so bring a reliable and affordable version of that sound to your studio with the Grandchild 670.
Grandchild 670 500 Features
- 500 series recreation of the Fairchild 670
- vintage tube compression in a 2-channel 500 series module
- NOS tubes and custom transformers
- 2-slot 500 series module
- 2 NOS 6BA6 tubes per channel
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