EowaveMagnetosphere Transistor Low Pass Filter
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Eowave Magnetosphere
The Eowave Magnétosphère is a discreet 24dB/octave low-pass filter with remotely controllable resonance. Sonic variations can be achieved by manually manipulating the Ionisation knob. Additionally, there are two CV inputs for frequency modulation and one for resonance. The resonance can be fine-tuned using the corresponding knob and is capable of self-oscillation.
Magnetosphere Features
- ENTREE: Audio Input
- MOD1: Frequency modulation input without attenuation
- MOD2: Second frequency modulation with attenuation
- RESON : Voltage control of the resonance
- SORTIE : Audio output
- Eurorack Module
- Metal Pot, panel mounted, screwed
- 10 HP Width
- +12v: 22mA Current Draw
- -12v: 12.5mA Current Draw
Eowave Magnetosphere Transistor Low Pass Filter Reviews
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