Endorphin.esAirstreamer 4 Envelope Generator

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Endorphin.es Airstreamer 4

Compacted for more modulation opportunities, the Airstreamer 4 from Endorphin.es is a 4HP version of their brilliant envelope generator featuring unique slewing, function generation, and many more utilities. Much more than your average envelope generator, the Airstreamer 4 offers three modes including simple AD for percussive and one shot shapes, ASR for sustained uses, and cycle for developing LFOs to full on oscillators with a low alias generation with a 224kHz sample rate. Audio rate is fully capable with a 1V/Oct input and independent bipolar output separate from the unipolar one, but more can still be done with the inclusion of a VCA input to offer sample & hold and track & hold modulation options. Additionally, the 1V/Oct input can be used for slew limiting for audio or CV sources, and the end of cycle output can serve as a great clock divider or basic trigger source for cascading effects. With a ultra slim design and super slim depth, the Airstreamer 4 can fit in just about any modular system for adding a wealth of modulation and processing functionality

Airstreamer 4 Features

  • Ultra slim envelope generator
  • Three modes: AD, ASR, and cycle for looping
  • Variable rise and fall with CV input on fall stage (up to 10 seconds per stage)
  • Selectable response for anywhere between logarithmic and exponential curvature
  • Trigger/gate/reset input with a 1V/Oct input for tracking (serves as a filter/slew input)
  • VCA input for creating track & hold or sample & hold modulation
  • Bipolar amplifier control
  • Unipolar positive (0V to +5V) and bipolar (-5V to +5V) outputs with an end of cycle trigger output
  • Eurorack module
  • Width: 4hp
  • Depth: 26mm
  • Current draw: 60mA @ +12V, 14mA @ -12V
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Endorphin.es Airstreamer 4 Envelope Generator Reviews