Electro-HarmonixDeluxe Memory Man 1100-TT Analog Delay Pedal


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EHX Deluxe Memory Man 1100-TT Analog Delay Pedal

Prepare for a new standard in analog delay pedals. The Deluxe Memory Man 1100-TT, from Electro-Harmonix, is one of the most inherently flexible and versatile analog delay pedals currently on the market. It preserves all the functions that result from the original Memory Man BBD architecture while imparting a slew of new features that make it an undeniably powerful addition to just about any pedalboard setup.

The pedal affords up to 1100 milliseconds worth of delay time. Additionally, users have access to Tap Tempo, five selectable tap divisions, an integrated effects loop, an expression pedal control over any of its five parameters. But that’s far from the whole story…

Feedback can be ramped up to higher settings simply by holding the Tap button. This affords the creation of seemingly infinite repeats, self-oscillating noise, and much more. There’s even a hidden mode that lets users mobilize the Rate control to alter between tap divisions while the delay is active, allowing for cascading arpeggio effects.

Deluxe Memory Man Features

  • Awesome analog delay with up to 1100ms of delay time and feedback into self-oscillation
  • Tap tempo with five selectable tap divisions
  • Internal modulation of delay time w/ controllable modulation rate and depth
  • Expression pedal or voltage control of blend, modulation rate, modulation depth, feedback level, or delay time
  • Effects loop for processing wet sound
  • External input for tap footswitch
  • True bypass
  • Includes 9V power supply
  • 9V power supply included
  • Dimensions: 4.75"" x 5.75"" x 2.5""
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