dsp.coffeeYYS 4x2 Matrix Mixer
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dsp.coffee YYS
YYS is a compact two-output, four-input attenuverting matrix mixer that features an additional inverted pair of outputs and can accommodate CV. Each channel has a bipolar LED that indicates polarity and allows you to send positive to A, negative to B, and combine them for interesting results with another mixer, output module, or as modulation sources. With the inverted outputs, the options become even more interesting letting you create interwoven signals. Matrix mixers are incredibly handy and YYS from dsp.coffee is a great option if you're in need.
YYS Features
- Matrix mixer module
- 4 Inputs
- 2 Outputs
- 2 Inverted outputs
- 8 Attenuverters: 4 for each channel
- Bipolar LEDS for each channel
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 22mm
- Current draw: 23mA @ +12V, 23mA @ -12V
dsp.coffee YYS 4x2 Matrix Mixer Reviews
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