AnimoduleGate_Mod Dual VC Gate Mod Trig Delay
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Animodule Gate_Mod
The Gate_Mod Dual Voltage Controlled Gate Mod and Trigger Delay module is both versatile and inherently useful for gate length alterations and trigger delays.
The module accepts incoming signals exceeding ~1.1V, meaning it is great in tandem with clock inputs, which it can minimize to 5ms or maximize up to 5 seconds. After the module emits gates, which are routed through the Gate output jack, a 10ms trigger is activated at its delay output. Gate time is manually malleable via the module’s Time potentiometers or remotely via the corresponding CV inputs.
Alterations between Interrupt and Divide parameters can be manipulated via the Gate_Mod’s switches. For Interrupt, the module resets its time value whenever a clock pulse hits the clock input. This lengthens both the gate and delay outputs in accordance with the time set and time elapsed. Conversely, when Divide is active the module’s clock input ignores all incoming clock pulses until it has completed a full cycle.
Gate_Mod Features
- Opamp Based Comparator Circuitry
- Takes any signal above +1.1V
- Normalized Delay 1 Output via Clock 2 Input Jack Switch
- Eurorack Module
- 4 HP Width
- 37mm Depth
- +12V: 35mA Current Draw
- -12V: 18mA Current Draw
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