After Later AudioCascades Thru-Zero VCO
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After Later Audio Cascades
The main oscillator in the Create your Own Complex Oscillator (COCO) series from After Later Audio, Cascades is a thru-zero oscillator with octave control and simultaneous waveform outputs. Cascades is designed to work with a pair of Brooks oscillators as well as either the Valley or Canyon control modules. As part of the COCO series, Cascades is the main sound source and can run in LFO and audio modes with dedicated Pulse, Saw, Morphed Waveform, Sin, Cosine, Triangle and Sub outputs. When connected in a COCO system, there is a jumper setting that changes which waveform gets sent out for modulation: either the Morph or Sine. Aside from that, there is an octave switch and CV inputs for all parameters. Start your custom complex oscillator journey with the Cascades from After Later Audio.
Cascades Features
- Main thru-zero oscillator for COCO series
- Designed to connect with Valley or Canyon centerpiece control modules and Brooks oscillators
- 8 Octave range
- AM control knob
- Linear and Exponential FM control
- Morph waveform with control for unique waveshaping options
- 8 Simultaneous outputs
- Jumper setting for selecting modulation waveform
- Eurorack module
- Width: 10hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Current draw: 105mA @ +12V, 80mA @ -12V
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