Frequency CentralTrans Europa Octave Switching Transposer PCB + PIC + Panel


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Frequency Central Trans Europa PCB + PIC + PANEL

The Trans Europa, from Frequency Central, is a multifarious CV processing module. It can be implemented as a CV source—enabling instantaneous octave and semitone transposition via Octave and Transpose knobs—or it can be utilized as a complex CV source, where it excels at octave and semitone transposition for the generation of pseudo sequences and arpeggios.

Despite both of Trans Europa’s Cv inputs being bipolar +/- 5v, it can accept unipolar 0v - 5v sources with ease. When operating in Mode 1, the 0v - 5v CV input can handle transpositions extending over 13 semitones. Conversely, -5v to +5v can handle over 25 semitones.

The module features eight modes: Semitones, Minor 7th, Major 7th, First Fourth Fifth, Diminished, Sustained A, Sustained B, and Rick’s Chord. Applying CV to the Transpose CV input in any of these modes results in arpeggios and tuned pseudo-random sequences. From there, applying modulation to the Octave CV in results in further sonic enhancements.

NOTE: This is a DIY project that requires self-assembly on part of the user. No returns are allowed on kits that have been attempted to be assembled or with missing components. This bundle includes the PCB, PIC chip, and Front Panel—no components are included.

Trans Europa PCB + PIC + Panel Features

  • Octave switching over 9 octaves from -4 to +4
  • Transpose with 8 different modes
  • Gated glide
  • CV control over octave and transpose
  • Eurorack Format
  • 10HP Width
  • 50mm Depth
  • +12v: 26mA Current Draw
  • -12v: 20ma Current Draw
Frequency Central Trans Europa Octave Switching Transposer PCB + PIC + Panel Reviews