MorphorPlectrum Analog BBD Pluck
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Morphor Plectrum
Plectrum from Morphor is a fully analog implementation of Karplus Strong synthesis, utilizing noise impulses and snappy BBD delay lines to cultivate rich and organic string sounds, plucky percussion, and more. While most implementations of Karplus Strong synthesis are made in the digital domain, the analog bucket brigade circuit in Plectrum gives it a uniquely warm character. From snappy and slappy basslines to serene and angelic plucked arpeggios, Plectrum is a wonderful sounding voice module with flexible operation that fits well in almost any case.
Using Plectrum is simple, though its many patch points provide opportunities for deeper exploration. Triggers sent to the Trig input initiate a burst of noise for the duration of the trigger or gate's duty cycle. Short pulses work best for strings, though longer pulses can evoke unnatural and exploratory attacks. This burst of noise is fed through the delay, which creates natural decay and tone set by the tune and feedback controls. A single pole low pass filter named Colour is provided in the delay path to adjust the harmonic content of your sound.
Going deeper into Plectrum's potential, its many CV inputs offer room for creative patching that greatly extends its timbral range. In addition to the 1V/oct input for pitch, Plectrum features an additional CV control over pitch for frequency modulation techniques. The Feedback and Colour controls can also be CV controlled. Experiment with adding additional effects in series with the delay path using Plectrums loop extender section. If you're needing the rich sound of strings in your system, Plectrum from Morphor is a lovely sounding source for all your plucking needs, with creative features to inspire creative patching and unconventional applications.
Plectrum Features
- Analog BBD-based Karplus Strong string synthesis voice
- Creates string sounds with noise pulses fed through a filtered delay line
- 1v/oct input and tune control for adjusting pitch
- Trigger input with variable response based on gate length
- 1-pole low pass filter with manual and CV control
- Feedback amount with manual and CV control adjusts decay time of string sound
- Loop extender section with input, output, and selectable internal or external modes
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 40mm
- Current draw: 40mA @ +12V, 40mA @ -12V, 0mA @ +5V
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