After Later AudioTilt Function Generator
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After Later Audio Tilt
Tilt is a function generator from After Later Audio that covers many bases in terms of functionality, able to do everything from envelopes to acting as a VCO to low pass filtering. The rise and fall controls set the time it takes for the signal to rise to the highest point and then to fall back down. The output can be unipolar, i.e. only positive, or bipolar, going into both positive and negative voltages. The output level features an attenuverter which can both attenuate and invert the output. A sustain portion can be added for more ADSR-style envelope behavior when used with the gated input.
Rise and fall both have independent shape control that goes from exponential to linear to logarithmic. Tilt offers CV control over the rise and fall portions, plus a both input which modulates both at the same time. Gate outputs for end of rise and end of fall are useful for synchronizing Tilt with other modules. A function generator can fill many shoes and Tilt is no exception, delivering a multitude of possibilities.
Tilt Features
- Function generator
- Rise and fall with independent shape control
- Sustain turns the output into more of an ADSR envelope
- CV over rise, fall, and both
- Output attenuverter
- Unipolar or bipolar operation
- End of rise and end of fall gate outputs
- Eurorack module
- Width: 6hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Current draw: 55mA @ +12V, 30mA @ -12V
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