DoepferA-183-3 Amplifier
$55.00 $48.13
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Doepfer A-183-3
The A-183-3 is a basic DC-coupled amplifier module. It can be used with either audio or CV signals and enjoys a maximal amplification feature that switches between 1, 2, and 4. Users can manually adjust levels anywhere between 0 and the selected threshold of amplification. There are two indicator LEDs that flash whenever a signal exceeds this threshold.
A-183-3 Features
- Dual input with Level control knob
- Three position toggle switch for max Amp. level options
- Two output jacks
- LED signal monitoring
- Eurorack Module
- Width: 4HP
- Depth: 20mm
- Current Draw: 20mA @ +/-12V
Doepfer A-183-3 Amplifier Reviews