Perfect Circuit SystemsRhythm Series Expanded System

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Perfect Circuit Rhythm Series Expanded System

Perfect Circuit’s Rhythm Series Expanded is a fully capable Eurorack system geared toward the creation of rhythmically-based music with progressive sound design. Assembled in a TipTop Mantis case with room to expand, it is an ideal starting place for anyone looking to make edgy percussive music with a sound unlike any single drum machine before it.

The Rhythm Series concept is fundamentally about offering tools for designing unique percussive sounds. Featuring digital sound production modules with their own approaches to sound design, an enormous range of timbres are immediately accessible. Noise Engineering’s Basimilus Iteritas Alter provides cleverly parameterized additive synthesis to produce everything from deep kicks to edgy melodic sounds; WMD’s Chimera uses specialized granular techniques to produce intense metallic percussion; Intellijel’s Plonk uses sophisticated physical modeling to both emulate the sounds of extant instruments and to allow you to design instruments that do not otherwise exist. Erica Synths’s Pico Drums uses one-shot samples of percussion instruments as its core, while ALM’s Akemie’s Taiko uses FM and wavetable techniques to make a huge array of unapologetically digital sounds. The enormous number of modulation destinations on each module enables them to change their character dramatically even over a very short period of time; with clever modulation, these five sound sources can become far more than meets the eye. The audio path also features the Qu-Bit Mixology performance-style mixer, as well as an Intellijel Quad VCA for additional mixing and signal scaling duties. The Erica Synths Pico DSP adds a layer of delay, reverb, and more while the WMD MSCL provides a flexible compressor for keeping your sounds level and punchy.

Of course, with such a flexible means of sound production must come a sophisticated means of control. The system’s control orbits around the Malekko Varigate 8+, an 8-channel gate sequencer with two additional pitch CV outputs. The Varigate 8+ contains an enormous number of features for probability-based sequencing, randomization, and polyrhythmic rhythm generation, excellent for meticulously planned event sequencing or on-the-fly beat creation. An ALM Pamela’s New Workout provides additional novel means of gate generation as well as tempo-synced LFOs, random voltages, envelopes, and far more, while the Malekko AD/LFO acts as six dedicated AD envelopes or skewable LFOs. The WMD/SSF Modbox offers additional voltage-controllable LFOs and a sample & hold. And of course, the Intellijel Quad VCA can also act to attenuate and mix CVs, making animation throughout the system easy and tremendously flexible.

PCA’s Rhythm Series Expanded system is a spectacularly varied set of tools for making rhythmically-oriented music with a unique-sounding edge. Featuring additive synthesis, FM, granular techniques, physical modelling and more, the system has the capacity to make an enormous array of sounds. As such, it’s an ideal system for anyone looking to dive deeply into the world of modular synthesis with beat-driven music and progressive sound design.

Rhythm Series Expanded System Features

  • Fully capable Eurorack system for rhythmic sequencing and sound design
  • Features modules that explore progressive forms of digital synthesis
  • Preassembled in TipTop Mantis case with room to grow
  • Includes 40 LMNTL patch cables and 3 LMNTL Splitter Hubs
  • Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter additive percussion voice
  • WMD Chimera Metallic percussion simulator
  • Intellijel Plonk physical modeling voice
  • ALM Akemie’s Taiko FM & wavetable percussion module
  • Erica Synths Pico Drums dual sample player
  • ALM Pamela’s New Workout tempo-synced gate and modulation source
  • Malekko Varigate 8+ probabilistic rhythm & pitch sequencer
  • Malekko AD/LFO hex envelope generator and LFO
  • WMD/SSF Modbox dual LFO, noise, and sample & hold
  • Intellijel Quad VCA for mixing and signal scaling
  • Qu-Bit Mixology for combining all of your sounds
  • WMD MSCL for compression and limiting
  • Erica Pico DSP for adding space and effects to your sound
  • Erica Pico Output for direct connection to headphones, recording gear, or live PA

Case accent color subject to availability; please contact with special requests


  • 10x 6” LMNTL 3.5mm patch cables
  • 20x 12” LMNTL 3.5mm patch cables
  • 10x 24” LMNTL 3.5mm patch cables
  • 3x LMNTL splitter hubs
Perfect Circuit Systems Rhythm Series Expanded System Reviews