NIIO AnalogGraphic Env 8-stage Envelope
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NIIO Analog Graphic Env
Create your most wild envelope shapes with the dual eight or 15-stage Graphic Envelope module from NIIO Analog. Simply adjust the sliders for each corresponding stage and when a trigger or gate is present, the envelope will step through the different stages. Select which stage, 2–7, will be a hold stage for usage with gates. Independently set the response time for both sets of envelopes and choose between 5v or 10v output scaling along with rates as long as 4.5s. The Graphic Env can also be set to be a dual 15-stage envelope where the U will output 1–8 then L's 1–8 and vice-versa. This row swapping function can be manually triggered with the Swap input and you can switch between two rates with the R2 CV input. Four gate outputs offer stage specific voltages: first one will stay high from envelope start to the hold step, second will go high at the hold step until the envelope is done, third outputs a gate at the end, and the final output remains high for the whole envelope. Shape your system to your heart's content with the Graphic Envelope from NIIO Analog.
Graphic Env Features
- Dual 8/15 stage envelope generator
- Trigger and Gate input
- Level switch for 5v or 10v range with U and L CV input for specific voltages that get passed through (eg. patch a 7v offset to U Level and the range for the U envelope is 0–7v)
- Independant U and L envelope shape outputs
- In 15-stage mode the U and L output switch for steps 9–15
- Swap input will manually trigger U and L to swap
- R2 CV Input changes to second rate
- Select which step is a Hold step via slider
- 4 Gate outputs for start–hold, hold–end, EOC, and full cycle
- Eurorack module
- Width: 20hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Current draw: 80mA @ +12v, 20mA @ -12v
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