NIIO AnalogDual Seq CV Dual 8-step Sequencer
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NIIO Analog Dual Seq CV
The Dual Sequential CV module from NIIO Analog is a robust two-channel step sequencer with a built-in envelope follower and a Bit Flip switch that allows for complex melodies and modulation. Split into two eight-step sequencers, U and L, each slider not only provides variable voltage but also attenuates the signal that triggers the envelope follower. Each sequencer can work independently or in conjunction with each other and the envelope followers with no less than 10 combined sequencer outputs. You get just about any combination of voltage you could imagine: direct, envelope follower, EF and direct, both sequencers' direct, and direct voltage with opposite's EF. Each of the envelope followers have a set of attack and release knobs that affect the shape of the followers and you can also switch the function to a plain ol' envelope with switchable trigger options. When in pure envelope mode, each step can trigger the envelope from either the rising edge, falling edge, or both. Use the Bitflip input to trigger the circuit which will flip the step position by 1, 2, or 4 steps. Flipping 1 step will swap the position in couplets (1234=2143), flipping 2 steps will flip a pair of couplets (1234=3412), and flipping 4 steps puts the tail in the head position (1234=5678 vv). If you're looking for a sequencer that can work simply as well as with incredible complexity, the Dual Sequential CV from NIIO Analog is what you need.
Dual Seq CV Features
- 2-channel, 8-step sequencer with envelope follower
- 10 CV Outputs for unique combinations: D, EF, and EF+D for both rows, D+D, U-D+L-EF, U-EF+L-D, and EF+EF
- Attack and Release controls for both rows' envelope followers
- ENV Switch for switching to pure envelope mode (unaffected by EF input)
- Bitflip circuit for each sequencer introduces step randomization that will flip steps in 1, 2, or 4 increments
- Eurorack module
- Width: 26hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Current draw: 110mA @ +12v, 20mA @ -12v
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