DoepferA-133 Dual Voltage Controlled Polarizer
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Doepfer A-133
The A-133 from Doepfer allows for two channels of voltage-controlled attenuation over an input signal. This can be interesting when used with CV signals such as envelopes and LFOs, but can also be used to achieve waveshaping and ring-modulation-like effects when used with audio signals. Each channel features an attenuator for the modulation CV as well as a manual attenuator for the "carrier" signal.
A-133 Features
- Dual voltage-controlled polarizer module
- Attenuverter for control CV with LED indicator per channel
- Manual attenuverter for input signal
- Eurorack module
- Width: 8hp
- Depth: 50mm
- Current draw: 30 mA @ +12V, 20 mA @ -12V
Doepfer A-133 Dual Voltage Controlled Polarizer Reviews