ArturiaDrumBrute Impact Noir Analog Drum Machine


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Arturia DrumBrute Impact Noir

Bringing you their fantastically unique and poignant drum machine in a limited black color option comes Arturia's DrumBrute Impact Noir, ten voices of analog drums with a variety of tonal options. Built on a classic archetype of analog drum voices, DrumBrute Impact provides you with a foundational kick, two snare voices, hat voices, cymbal/cowbell, hi/low tom, and even an incredible sculptable FM drum—all of which still have several parameters to shape and level for tweaks and performance. All sounds provide you with several sonic characters to sequence, based around their normal or initial state, their color option, and the accent choices for each. Speaking of color options, each voice except the cowbell has individual color options that adds a new set of timbres, each of which are engageable per voice (or per step!) for a unique performance experience.

Moving your attention to the sequencer, you have 16 immediately available steps, but patterns may be up to 64 steps in length, with the option to define individual lengths for each of DrumBrute Impact's voices—great for creating polyrhythms and polymeters! Each step can have an offset in either direction for creating unique feels, accents for distinction and impact, plus swing and randomization to inject interest. Four banks allow you to save up to 64 recallable patterns, and chaining up to 16 of these patterns in any order can be saved to one of DrumBrute Impact's 16 songs for fantastic arrangements. When performing live, these arrangements can be spiced up further with the mute and solo buttons, as well as the step repeat slider for looping anywhere from a 1/4 note section to 1/32 rolls.

The sequencer is tied together at the transport section with full start/pause, stop, and record functionality, as well as synchronization from internal clocking or externally via USB, MIDI, or analog clock. All of DrumBrute Impact's voices are summed at the master output with an option for controlled amounts of bus distortion, which is the perfect way to add a touch of warmth to fully buzzy and crushed drums. For separate processing, individual 1/8" TS outputs for the kick, snares, hats, and FM drum offer more external sound design options, also removing them from the master output. Fantastic MIDI and clock I/O not only make the DrumBrute Impact Noir a fantastic collaborator with other gear, but the fresh new look makes it a powerful centerpiece for any studio or live setup.

DrumBrute Impact Noir Features

  • 10-voice analog drum synthesizer
  • Special and limited noir edition
  • 10 shapeable analog sounds including a kick, two snares, low and hi tom, cowbell, cymbal, closed and open hat, and highly sculptable FM drum
  • Color control adds interest and tonal variation—activate on a per instrument basis (no cowbell option)
  • Master distortion on master output for fattening and obliterating your drums
  • Individual output for kick, snares, hats, and FM drum allows for external processing and takes these out of the master output
  • Solid 64-step pattern builder with up to four banks of 16 patterns
  • Song mode can save up 16 songs of 16 chained patterns
  • Each sound has four sound options in the sequencer, including Normal, Color, and accent versions of each
  • Transport and tempo control with performance and sequence controls including swing, randomize, and step repeat
  • Synchronize internally or over USB, MIDI, or analog clock with full MIDI and clock I/O
  • Outputs: 1/4" Balanced line level, 1/8" balanced headphone, and 4x 1/8" TS individual outs
  • MIDI I/O: 5-pin DIN
  • Clock I/O: 1/8" TS
  • USB functionality: type-B
  • Dimensions: 13.5" x 9.6" x 2.2"
  • Weight: 4 lbs
  • Power supply included
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Arturia DrumBrute Impact Sounds
Arturia’s new drum machine is the DrumBrute Impact which is a little smaller and less expensive than the original DrumBrute, and features its own unique sound. The Impact has a powerful sequencer with swing and randomness as well as accents. All of the drum sounds also have a “Color” setting which tweaks the sound to give you two sounds for each of the 10 drum sounds. There are individual outputs for the kick, snares, hi hats and FM drum sounds. There is also a built in distortion circuit and touch pads for rolls.
Arturia DrumBrute Impact Noir Analog Drum Machine Reviews