Anti-KulturePrecision Disrupter Generative Sequencer
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Anti-Kulture Precision Disrupter
Anti-Kulture's Precision Disruptor is a generative rhythm and melody sequencer that is playable and immediate—designed to disrupt obstacles and keep you in the creative flow. With a generous layout and copious illuminated visual feedback, you won't be confused as to what's happening, keeping you in control. The core of the module is the set of sliders at the bottom for Gate, Accent, Slide, Note, and Octave. Color-coded with Red for Rhythm and White for melody, you use these sliders to add more or less of the given parameter. Moving the slider up will populate the sequence and give you visual feedback on the sequence tracks or the button keyboard, for notes and octaves.
The top four rows show you when the gates fire, when the accents output, and which steps have a note slide. The fourth row is used for preset recall; interestingly, this can also be sequenced to create elaborate, ever-changing melodies. Using the screen and encoder, you can adjust the clock settings, including BPM and divisions, scale quantization, playback direction, and CV routing. The two assignable CV inputs can control any of the sliders, or even the Melody and Rhythm Disrupt buttons, which randomly generate the sequence based on your current settings.
Though their first offering, Anti-Kulture comes out strong with this intuitive and fun sequencer—if you need a break from step programming and just want to get some nasty bass lines and soaring leads quickly, the Precision Disruptor is a sequencer to spend some time with.
Precision Disrupter Features
- Generative rhythm and melody sequencer
- 16 Steps with visual feedback
- Rows for visualizing Gate, Accent and Slide
- Bottom row stores and sequences presets for expanding the composition
- Selectable Notes and Octaves with keyboard layout
- Slider-based interaction generativity adds more Gates, Accents, Slides, Notes, and Octave jumps
- Selectable scale quantization
- Internal or External Clock
- Disrupt buttons for Melody and Rhythm instantly changes the sequence
- 2x CV Inputs that can be routed to any slider or Disrupt button
- Eurorack module
- Width: 40hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Current draw: 200mA @ +12V, 5mA @ -12V

In this video:
The Precision Disrupter sequences the Bassline by Erica Synths.
All drums are sequenced externally
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