Alexander PedalsSyntax Error Audio Computer System


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Alexander Pedals Syntax Error

The Syntax Error, from Alexander Pedals, is configured to take any pedalboard back to the days of dialup. Its dizzying array of controls allow players to travel back to the era of the initiatory wave of digital technology. The pedal mobilizes the instability of antiquated processors into four modes (plus a bonus parameter). The pedal affords everything from backwards warp delays, cubic distortion, ring modulation, pitch shifting and much more!

Syntax Error Features

  • MIDI compatible
  • Sampling rate controls
  • Select button for toggling between effects
  • Requires a 9V DC power supply with a 2.1mm pin, center negative, 80mA.
Product Demo Videos
Alexander Pedals Syntax Error, Defender & Colour Theory With Korg Monologue
These three Alexander Pedals all have multiple modes and options for creating a wide range of sounds. The Syntax Error has time and pitch modulating modes as well as a mathematical distortion algorithm. The Defender has overdrive, distortion and fuzz modes. The Colour Theory has effects that are modulated by a built in sequencer. We used a golden Korg Monologue as the input source.
Alexander Pedals Syntax Error Audio Computer System Reviews